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Version: testnet (v0.74)

Propose tranferring assets

Network-managed accounts that allow transfers require the community to approve transferring assets out of them. You can also propose that those assets are used to fund trading rewards by including those details into the proposal.

This tutorial describes what you need to propose transferring assets from those asset pools to other accounts, and provides proposal templates that you will need to edit before submitting.


You will need:

Anatomy of an asset transfer proposal

Read on for the key inputs to a governance-initiated parameter proposal.

Transfers can be one-off, or they can be set up to send assets repeatedly, for as long as the account sending the assets has enough money to keep the transfers funded. Transfers to fund rewards must be recurring.

Rationale requires a title and a description. They are free-text fields that describe the purpose of the proposal. Within the description, include links with more information about your proposal (such as to the IPFS content or forum post) that voters can reference to learn more about the proposal.

The terms of the proposal describe the details of the proposal, including closing and enactment timestamps, and details about the proposed transfer, including what accounts the transfer is to move assets between, and optionally information about rewards to fund with the transfer, if that's the intent.

  • Closing timestamp, the date and time when voting closes, must be within a range of 🔗1m and 🔗8760h0m0s, from when it was proposed.
  • Enactment timestamp, the date and time when the transfer is to happen, must be within a range of 🔗1m and 🔗8760h0m0s.

For one-off transfers use deliverOn to set a delivery date/time for when the transfer arrives with the recipient account. This should be after the proposal's enactment date and time, otherwise it's delivered immediately if the proposal is enacted. deliverOn only accepts Unix time in nanoseconds. Setting it to 0 means the transfer will be completed immediately. Note: when you delay a transfer, the amount leaves the origin account immediately but is not delivered until the date/time you chose. A one-off transfer cannot be cancelled, regardless of when the transfer is scheduled to arrive.

For recurring transfers, such as for funding rewards, you'll need to include the following information:

  • startEpoch: The number of the epoch in which you want the first transfer to be made. It will initiate at the end of that epoch.
  • endEpoch: The transfer will repeated indefinitely, unless you add this optional parameter to end the recurring transfer in a specified epoch.

Amount is the cap on how much will be transferred, as whole number with the asset decimal places implied. For example, if the asset has a decimal place of 2 and the transfer is for 100, then the amount needs to be set at 10000. The maximum you can propose to transfer is 🔗7000000000000000000000, which is a multiplier for the asset's quantum value. Before proposing, make sure the account you're transferring from exists and has a balance. The full amount may not be transferred if there isn't enough to transfer. For specifics on how the final amount is determined, see the calculations in the transfers spec ↗.

Fraction of balance is used to determine what fraction of the source account's balance could be transferred, the biggest fraction that you can choose is 🔗1.

Governance transfer type lets you determine what happens if the full requested amount can't be transferred. The options are "all or nothing", or "best effort", which is as much as is possible of the maximum amount.

The destination field is used for all transfers except to fund rewards.

  • When transferring to a global network-managed account, use 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.
  • When transferring to a market-specific network-managed account, use the market ID

Fields used to fund trading rewards

Rewards can only be funded with recurring tranfers. If you're proposing a transfer to fund rewards, there are extra fields to define.

The destinationType must be the account type that matches the reward category. For example, to propose that the 'average position' reward will pay out, you'll need to set the "destination type" type as ACCOUNT_TYPE_REWARD_AVERAGE_POSITION, and then choose the complementary reward category, known as the metric. The asset you choose then determines which market(s) the reward targets.

You will need to define the dispatch strategy, which includes the metric, the length of time to measure performance, the asset used to evaluate performance, and other fields.

Dispatch strategy fieldDescriptionAccepted values
assetForMetricAsset that's used to evaluate how someone performs. Use the settlement asset for the market(s) relevant to the reward. Not required for market creation and validator ranking rewardsAny asset enabled on Vega
marketsOptional: Used to choose which market(s) are in scope. If left blank, all markets that are settled in the asset are includedAny trading market's ID
stakingRequirementOptional: Sets a minimum number of VEGA tokens that need to be staked for a party to be considered eligible for the rewardNumber, if omitted it defaults to 0
notionalTimeWeightedAveragePositionRequirementOptional: Sets a minimum notional TWAP, measured for the asset metric, that's required for a party to be considered eligible to receive rewardsDefaults to 0
windowLengthNumber of epochs in which performance against the reward metric is measuredAny number between 1 and 100
lockPeriodNumber of epochs to keep earned rewards in the recipient's reward vesting account before moving to their vested account, at which point they can be redeemed
entityScopeDefines the entities within scope, i.e. whether they are in a team or notENTITY_SCOPE_INDIVIDUALS; ENTITY_SCOPE_TEAMS
individualScopeTo be used if the eligible reward recipients should be all participants, individuals, or within a teamINDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_ALL; INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_IN_TEAM; INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_NOT_IN_TEAM
teamScopeTo be used if the eligible reward recipients need to be in a team, and rewards are to be calculated based on team performance.Leave blank if allowing all teams, otherwise provide an array of team IDs. See example below
distributionStrategySets how the participants should be ranked, and what other factors to consider. Read distribution method for more infoDISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_PRO_RATA; DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_RANK

Example dispatch strategy snippet

Targeted at specific teams
"dispatchStrategy": {
"assetForMetric": "b340c130096819428a62e5df407fd6abe66e444b89ad64f670beb98621c9c663",
"windowLength": "2",
"entityScope": "ENTITY_SCOPE_TEAMS",
"teamScope": [
"a33c89f67e0e8afda3165d34aeddba6082c674c3aa4ea17ece5213ef598c3558" ],
"distributionStrategy": "DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_PRO_RATA"
Targeted at all individuals
"dispatchStrategy": {
"assetForMetric": "b340c130096819428a62e5df407fd6abe66e444b89ad64f670beb98621c9c663",
"windowLength": "2",
"individualScope": "INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_ALL",
"distributionStrategy": "DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_PRO_RATA"

Submitting proposals in a batch

If you want to submit this proposal as part of a larger batch of proposals, follow this sample structure:

"batchProposalSubmission": {
"rationale": {
"title": "High level title",
"description": "Description of all parts of this batch of proposals"
"terms": {
"closingTimestamp": "123",
"changes": [
"enactmentTimestamp": 123,
"cancelTransfer": {
"changes": {
"transferId": "345"
"enactmentTimestamp": 123,
"cancelTransfer": {
"changes": {
"transferId": "789"
## Templates and submitting

Sample recurring transfer proposal to fund rewards

These templates show an example of how to fund rewards with a governance transfer. To propose a different reward with a governance-initiated transfer, use the fields and information above to expand the proposal.

  • JSON example that can be submitted with the governance dApp ↗
  • Command line examples for different operating systems
"proposalSubmission": {
"rationale": {
"title": "Transfer some assets",
"description": "Here is a description about why I want to transfer"
"terms": {
"closingTimestamp": 1697283340,
"enactmentTimestamp": 1697283400,
"newTransfer": {
"changes": {
"amount": "10000000",
"asset": "b340c130096819428a62e5df407fd6abe66e444b89ad64f670beb98621c9c663",
"fractionOfBalance": "0.1",
"recurring": {
"startEpoch": 116515,
"endEpoch": 116615
"dispatchStrategy": {
"assetForMetric": "b340c130096819428a62e5df407fd6abe66e444b89ad64f670beb98621c9c663",
"windowLength": "1",
"individualScope": "INDIVIDUAL_SCOPE_ALL",
"distributionStrategy": "DISTRIBUTION_STRATEGY_PRO_RATA"

Sample one-off transfer proposal

These templates show an example transfer from an asset's insurance pool to the insurance pool of a specific market, both of which need to use the same asset as specified in your transfer.

  • JSON example that can be submitted with the governance dApp ↗
  • Command line examples for different operating systems
"proposalSubmission": {
"rationale": {
"title": "Transfer some assets once",
"description": "Here is a description about why I want to transfer"
"terms": {
"closingTimestamp": 1234567890,
"enactmentTimestamp": 1334567890,
"newTransfer": {
"changes": {
"amount": "10000000",
"fractionOfBalance": "0.1",
"destinationType": "ACCOUNT_TYPE_INSURANCE",
"deliverOn": 0


All proposals are voted on by the community.

To vote, community members need, at a minimum, the larger of 🔗more than 0 tokens, or 🔗1 token associated with their Vega key.

Your proposal will need participation of 🔗0% and a majority of 🔗66%, so having community support is essential.

Proposers who invite feedback, engage with comments, and make revisions to meet the needs of the community are more likely to be successful.


If successful, the proposal will be enacted at the time you specify in the enactmentTimestamp field.